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科聚亚公司康普顿公司(Crompton Corporation)和大湖化学公司(Great Lakes Corporation)的兼并体,两家公司于2005年7月1日完结最终阶段的兼并。现在的科聚亚已经成为美国揭露上市证券交易中最大的特种化学品制作商之一,2005年出售总额达39亿美元, 为美国上市公司,纳斯达克股票代码CEM。科聚亚兼具康普顿•诺尔化工Uniroyal化工Witco化工等化学公司的优秀品质,表现了公司在化工范畴100多年的传承与立异。从Chemtura这个姓名就可以看出公司的定位是“Chemical + Future 未来的化工公司”,由于,“咱们在重视发挥兼并前两家公司各自优势的一同,更垂青公司的前景方针,咱们要成为全球抢先的化学品公司。”


美国海特科Hatco公司为美国科聚亚Chemtura集团成员之一,是全球最大的组成酯类根底油供货商,公司出产供给粘度从7-320之间的 Everest系列组成fun88体育机油。海特科Hatco是全球抢先的精细化工出产商和商场领导者,其组成酯类油包含单酯、双酯、多元醇酯、复酯及其特别聚合物是全球最著名的fun88体育机油、航空用油组成根底油供货商之一。 在曩昔的60年中,海特科Hatco 成为世界公司在组成光滑剂、塑料制品、个人护理用品及特别化学品方面首要的供货商之一,致力于改进客户日子质量,进步产品功能。

Chemtura是全球两大高粘度PAO供货商之一,每年约出产15,000~20,000吨高粘度产品供给首要世界石油公司,其Synton PAO40/100在业界享有极高的名誉。





EVEREST Brand Refrigeration Lubricants and Company History 

EVEREST Brand Refrigeration Lubricants

Chemtura's EVEREST brand of synthetic polyol ester refrigeration lubricants are designed to impart optimum performance and longer service life to today's new energy efficient and environmentally friendly HFC-based refrigeration and A/C systems.  EVEREST products are also an excellent choice for R-22 and R-12 retrofits using refrigerants such as R-422A, R-422D, R-417A and R-427. EVEREST refrigeration lubricants are available in viscosity grades from ISO 10 to ISO 220.

Formulated versions containing anti-wear and extreme pressure additives are also available for select viscosity grades for extremely demanding applications.  There is an EVEREST refrigeration lubricant for applications ranging from small hermetic home appliances to large scale industrial centrifugal and screw chiller compressors.

Company History

EVEREST Hatco Division, Chemtura Corporation is a leading producer of specialty esters for the aviation, refrigeration, automotive and industrial markets.  The company offers a diverse range of specialty products and services to chemical, petrochemical and consumer products companies as well as government agencies worldwide.  Among the products produced by Hatco are synthetic jet engine lubricants, synthetic refrigeration lubricants, synthetic dielectric fluids and esters for medical and safety glass laminate applications. 

The origins of the company trace back to 1949 when Hatco Chemical Company was started in Kearny, New Jersey.  When founded, the primary business of Hatco was splitting oils to make fatty acids.  In 1951, Hatco moved to Fords, New Jersey to the site of a clay mine where excavation for red clay to make bricks had been going on for years.  Today, Hatco is a Chemtura company and has plants and offices in Fords, New Jersey, one of the most strategic locations in the state.  Located just a few minutes from the NJ Turnpike, the Garden State Parkway, and Interstate 287, we offer immediate access to highway, railroad, airports and deep-water terminals.

Hatco Division, Chemtura Corporation was a pioneer in the manufacture of polyol ester based refrigeration lubricants, having produced such products as early as 1989.  With the largest, most modern, most efficient, manufacturing facilities for polyol esters in the world; Chemtura remains the leader in this field.  Chemtura’s emphasis on new product development to meet the demanding needs of this dynamic market ensure equipment manufacturers of the optimum products for each type and size of compressor.

Now, with the introduction of its EVEREST branded refrigeration lubricants, Chemtura offers these products on a direct basis to OEM’s and through selected distributors for the service market.  The product offering is extensive, but should you have unique requirements, we are able to design a lubricant that exactly meets your performance requirements.


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